Friday, May 8, 2009

I write lists like I am taking notes in high school

I feel like my mind is racing with notes I want to jot down so here is a good place for it!

a.)I am concerned that when I read glamour last night, I think their article on weddings might have been calling me 'a wedding don't'.

b.)Also, I need to order some chalkboards for Oriental Trading for table numbers. But do I even need table numbers if I do not have seating cards? Should I have seating cards? Does anyone care if I don't??

c.) also, what is the deal with out of state guests? Am i supposed to provide them with paid for hotel rooms??

in an effort to calm down, here are some images of gorgeous things I want ( buy me that dress & bolero stat!):

( all courtesy of the english dept.)

(courtesy of once wed and every other wedding blog right now)

also, one last thing:

what do you think of non-floral centerpieces?

for example, what if I use a woven basket of peaches or lemons with the leaves still attached and maybe some small bud vases with little white flowers


  1. a) I have seen that bolero before! I love it!

    b) Why would you be a 'wedding don't'?

  2. oops forgot!

    c) I really love the idea of non floral centerpieces and I love it even more if it involved lemons!
