Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Body by Lisa

Sorry I have been m.i.a this week. I've been in a bit of a funk. Nothing too crazy just waiting for the week to be over so I can be on vacation! Its only 4 days with 2 of them being the weekend but its still nice to have 2 four day weeks. So I also really need to start dieting and exercising for real. I went online last night to sign up for Body by Glamour (because Body by Lisa is so not working) but I do not know all my measurements so I gave up halfway. I have a treadmill but I need to work in some strength training too. Their food ideas look good and I figure I can just bring them shopping with me and atleast I can get that aspect of it off the ground. Also, I called the bridal shop having the sale (see my earlier post) and I am hopefully going to schedule something during the week for the last week in June (weeekdays seem less crazy than weekends). I just have to organize the troops and (fingers crossed) I will find a great affordable dress! Also, the woman who answered the phone seemed really nice and it made me want to shop there even more. Time for pics!

(image via daylife)

Yay for grass and sunflowers! Very nice and doable ( both fundwise and diy-wise)

(image via the fabulously redesigned once wed)

Birdseed?! Fabulous! This looks so great

(Liancarlo dress via the knot)

So pretty! Love the details & length. Didn't even see the price but thats probably for the best.

(from here)

Great paper flower tutorial! I can going back and forth on the diy flower idea but this certainly got me jazzed for the handmade idea.

(image via

I love how simple and beautiful this is. maybe beside a guestbook or on the sweetheart table, perhaps?

Things I Love:

DIY succulent centerpieces

Great Etsy shop for vintage details

and lastly 2 websites I am going to go waste time on. Here and here

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