Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hair Envy

(both images from daughters of dawn via unruly things)

I am in love with this girl's hair. It makes me want to dye my hair red again. And have bangs. I am going to do atleast one of those things (probably the latter).

Last night, I finished making the flags, worked on the mini bouquets, and shredded old junk mail. I've been meaning to shred for a while (by a while I mean basically since we have lived together). Also, I have been amassing large amounts of rubbermaid containers to well, contain all my wedding things. Anyone else having a space problem with all their wedding crafts/ideas/assorted goods? Goals tonight: Maybe get coffee with a friend. Otherwise, I want to plant some herbs (indoors) and maybe make the bouquet cuffs?

Also, this weekend I am going to Paper Source (I'm drooling just thinking of it) and possibly looking into buying some of these.

And finally shout to the future hubs: not only has he published 1 book already, he has another on the way and is going to be published in a poetry magazine. way to be crazy talented, dear!


  1. I like her hair but I LOVE her outfit (bottom one).

  2. Love the hair. Oh to be a redhead. I am far too scared to do something similar. Am slowly getting the bangs though!

  3. i miss the paper source sooooo much!

  4. I'm also envying that model's coat, shoes and tights. So can I just be her?
