Thursday, April 15, 2010

or f 'all of the above'

Help me pick one! (back story: I went to the fabric store today and bought 1/3 yard of several different types of lace and then picked up my dollar store order of vases...a few minutes and some hot glue later...)






*both are more off-white and/or tan than white, not sure if you can tell from my less than stellar photos


  1. You should do them all. It would be cool to have several different styles. Just sayin. :D

  2. I think they look best when the lace is up higher on the glass like the latter ones. Also, I like option E the best overal because the lace has more laciness!

  3. Can you add a band of lace to the bottom of E so that the scalloped edge goes all the way to the top?

  4. I agree with doing them all. I am ALL about variation and not sticking to one theme. But if I had to choose a favorite, i'd go with D.

  5. I like D and E... but using them all would be cool, too.

  6. I like D best too. But I think they are all lovely. They'd look good grouped together too.

  7. Kind of going to agree w/ everyone about which type to use. They all are very similar. You could use just one and it would be fine or use them all and it would look great too. I have to disagree w/ one of the above comments though and say that I think the glasses look better if they are only half way covered in lace. There's something about still being able to see inside the glass that appeals to me. They look to covered up if the lace goes all the way to the top.

  8. my vote is for C!
